
Semillas de Paz
+ Productividad
¡Todas las bases que necesitas para dejar de
depender y encontrar tu libertad!
Aprende a no depender de audios guiados,
check-lists y vivir con dolores crónicos. Una
guía rápida para pasar de sobrevivir a Vivir.

5 Platforms to Optimize Your Time and Get Unstuck
Unlock the power of productivity with our 5 Platforms course! From AI-generated content to seamless project management, these tools are your secret weapons.
Learn how to design stunning visuals effortlessly, collaborate with your team from anywhere, and build a professional online presence without coding skills!
Ready to maximize efficiency and never miss a beat?
Goal Getter Roadmap
Build your OWN logical framework enhanced with spiritual tools
- A tested 1 year roadmap for success
- Crunch your goals for what is left of this 2023
- Be accountable to yourself

Starting at

Virtual Coach Academy
Your step-by-step to build your very own profitable and scalable online business from your living room without the need of:
- $10k investment
- Web developer
- 20k followers on Instagram
I teach you all strategy to earn thousands of $$$ per month, PLUS It is one of the most fun and flexible jobs in the industry! What are you waiting for?

Brain Gym
Your daily dose of mindfulness with Lore in 10 MINUTES! Now there are no more excuses! Just as you train body in the gym, your mental health deserves the same constancy. Lore shares with you meditations, mini podcasts, journal prompts and more so that you are constantly evolving.
Brain Gym
Your daily dose of mindfulness with Lore in just 10 MINUTES!
BG is your secret formula to: Flow through your day… BYE daily stress, Get a boost of energy and productivity flow, Achieve an overflow of creativity and execution
It includes over +200 journal prompts, guided meditations, body connection exercises, and moments of insightful learning.
All of this just for 0.50 cents a day! Are you kidding me?!
0.50 cents
a day!


Personalized Coaching
Are you looking to grow, (re)connect with yourself and tired of having goals that you can’t even start? I invite you to have PERSONALIZED energy sessions with me, EXCLUSIVE ONLY, here I share all my methodology, secrets, recipes and strategies!

Business Coaching
Sesiones energéticas conmigo para TI y para TU EMPRESA. PROGRAMA DISPONIBLE POR MEDIO DE APLICACIÓN. Para aplicar, envía un email a Lore:
Definimos tu estrategia de venta, como atraer a tu cliente ideal, generar impacto, destacarte entre tus competidores y desbloquear tus limitaciones. Prepárate para presentarle tu negocio a Lore y posicionarlo en el mercado.
Business Coaching
Energy sessions with me for YOU and YOUR COMPANY. COURSE AVAILABLE THROUGH APPLICATION. To apply, send an email to Lore:
We define your sales strategy, how to attract your ideal customer, generate impact, stand out among your competitors and unlock your limitations. Get ready to present your business to Lore and position it in the market.